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I just spend 3½ coding at my school project.
Was quitte a while ago since I coded something.
Should write some more code again soon, I think.
Forgot how much fun it was ^^ meh

Another sunny day today, it has been sunny all week.
The thermometer at the Rabobank in Eindhoven even
pointed at 17 *C.
Much better then the rain of past week.
Since the lesson this afternoon was cancelled, Hans and I
recided to walk on the terrain of the Technical University Eindhoven.
On their Terrain there are also some building beloning to the
Fontys College, and we went to visit them as well. We could just
log in to the computers there with our password, and acces all
files on our account, it makes no difference in what building within
the fontys college you are. It’s a nice system, but it has a few flaws,
It’s easy to exploit a feature in their system to gain Administrator
acces on your local machine for example, but I think I explained
that security leak before, didn’t I?

Also at the University Terrain, we saw this Nitrogen Tank, with
all ice on it.

Also something I haven’t mentioned yet about last friday, I was in Sittard to return
Bouteina’s broken modem to the computer store, I had to cook, so I went to the
Albert Heyn to buy some ingredients. At the door there was a man, he asked me
a light, so I lit his sigratte, and well like that we started talking for about an hour.
Turned out his name was André too. Weird hehehehe.

Meh, I just went to the dentist. I left school early to
go to the dentist, and mailed my teacher (Margot Plegt,
communications teacher) that I wound be at the dentist.
She mailed me back ‘sterkte’ (good luck) Gehehe.
But why does that dentist have to live all over at Hulsberg.
Have to drive a 20 minutes to get there.

Oh well … that’s it for now.
lol yeah for weeks I am thinking about writing a more serious
post, but it seems to stay with thought, not being able to write
them out clear. Maybe I should make a 2nd themed blog,
for that kind of stuff, or just post it here? what do you think,
next to that, maybe I should also post a dutch blog over here
at blogspot. the site, ever since they renewed it,
it sucks hard, this google blog is so easy to use compared to that.

Hehe, I’m watching some anime again. Kenshin episode 19 now.
Yesterday I watched some D.N. Angel episodes, and I am
downloading Bleach, Ergo Proxy, Jigoku Shouju and .hack//twilight.
Oh man, I need a few more hard disks ^_^ hehehe

Yeah, I’m now watching a lot of anime, but well, there was a time
I didn’t care about anime. It all started when Fadem (@blaatschaap)
posted a link to Full Moon wo Sagashite, that was the first anime I
watched, and well … I liked it, and that started me watching anime.
Noein, a nice anime, and I watched 132 episodes of Sailor Moon,
but that’s too childish I guess, but my ex, Julia recommened that,
kinda stopped watching it when we broke up, but well, maybe I will
watch the other episodes some day, hehe didn’t download them just
to sit on my hard disk, and as I said, I need some more of those lol.

.hack//roots, also a nice anime, with plays inside a computer game,
a virtual word, also nice, so that’s why I’m downloading other animes
( or what’s the plural of anime … ) out the .hack// series.
I’ve downloaded( but not watched yet ) .hack//sign
and now downloading .hack//twilight as mentioned above.

Hehe, so today, hans and me were at school standing
at the open house. Presenting our audio/dsp-projects
we made last quartal.
It was fun and answering questions of the people;
demonstrating hans’ piano and sound effect, pretty cool.

Yeah …. that’s how The Beatles are supposed to be listened to.
Yesterday, at Hans’ place.
Found an old band recorder and record player.
Good Old Technology. Too bad it’s lost in the modern days.
It was kinda disappointing to watch the dvd after listening to that;
too modern. Oh well … and after that dvd I played some more Zelda.


My website, has been upgraded with new cms
software, I’m using phpfox now, the same software
for example uses. So it’s a community orientated cms.
I found the text “Powered by phpfox” on the emoscene website,
so I googled, found their website, saying it’s $ 300. So I say fuck you,
and go to, and download it with a torrent.
for free, like software is supposed to be. :P

Sooo … hope to see you there,

Meh … for the past months I am having this weird feeling in my
right wrist, and the past weeks it’s only getting wrose, so I think
I am getting R.S.I.
I’m a GEEK, i can’t afford to get R.S.I. damnit!

Anyways, today another wednesday, so no school today.
Today Joyce’s visiting me, and we went into Sittard first,
( her bus goed to Sittard and there she takes the train to
Beek, but I needed to be in Sittard first, so we met up there )
So, in Sittard I went to the Regenboog ( computer-shop) ,
bought a modem for Bouteina. And then we went to the
Aquamarijn (new-age-shop) looked around a bit and went
to the Bufkes for a snack.

Then we took the train to Beek, and when it arrived in Beek
it was pouring rain. So we were both soaking wet, and the worst
part of it was, just when we got home, the sun started to shine.
Someone up there seems to hate us, gehehehe.

So, well, that’s it for now,
thx for reading again,

So, another blogpost. Wednesday, Ninas 2nd birthday,
and again we see some weird coincidents at the dates,
because is also was Shanna and Patricks 9th month

Then yesterday, I was at joyce. She bought the first
season of Earth Final Conflict on dvd, so we watched
the first four episodes. Oh yeah. Just give me some
good sci-fi to make me happy :) Yes, I am a geek :P

Also I copied some old photos of joyce and me, she
had on her computer, old photos of about one year
ago, when joyce and I were still dating.
I lost all those photos when my hard disk died in may.
The past year, oh well … I wish I had done some things
different, but well, did I have much of a choise?
And well, past is past, we can only move forward, right?

And, lol, I got Joyce also to sign up at

Also, yesterday the “De Hemelpaort” series started at
L1, a series in Limbourgish dialect. The first episode
was aired yesterday, but I couldn’t record it since I
was at Joyce all day. There will be a rerun saturday,
so I will record it then. It’s also available at internet,
at the L1 site, and I have been trying to get the file
to my hard disk all day, but they use sush a ‘weird’
server, ( yes a microsoft server, hooray for proprietary
and patented technology ) So, it can only be viewed using
Windows Media Player, the Microsoft program supplied
with windows, click here to play it, will only work this week,
and only with windows media player, and lots of luck.

Anyways, that’s it for now, thanks for reading again,
toedeloe, cya next time :)

Photos of carnaval in heerlen yesterday are online.

Unfortunately it seems I lost last years photos. but well…

So I watched the parade, had a few beers, and went back
to Joyce’s place ( her parents place that is )
and watched some dvds. The nightmare before christmas
and corpse bride. So, well … that’s kinda it, thanks for
reading and blaat like that, cya next time, Alaaf!