So, my laptop is running Linux for a few days now.
Migrating to a new operating system brings some troubles,
since I am not that experienced using Linux, but also some
other weird problems. First some software that’s not available
in Mandriva’s RPM database. So, I started googleing for some
other sources, and tried to install giftui, downloaded from it’s
own site. Failed because of missing libaries. There libaries were
also not available in Mandriva’s RPM database. So, ask google
again, and I found an RPM for an older Mandriva release.
Installed it, prompting to install some other stuff because of
depensencies, and so on …. then the RPM installer crashed.
But then the trouble started, it seems, it removed half of my
installed software. OpenOffice, Firefox, NVU, GIMP,
and a lot of gnome parts, and other software suddenly
disappeared. Reinstalling 173 packets *sigh*
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