Archive for March, 2006

See previous post,
there may be still hope …
Maybe he finally realised what I,
and some other ppl, were trying to say.

It feels like … i’ve lost my best friend … lars … nuky …
I know him from the skyos chatroom, first day I went
in there … 30 april 2005 … we used to have fun, had the
same sence of humor, and we became like best friends,
Chatting in #skyos … that was nuky and me … later …
we went to #skyos_offtopic because of some other
people in that chatroom, like Matt and Tomasz …
And we used to have more fun … and laughed a bit
about the #skyos chatroom, how it went dead without us.

Later, when our site, deGekkenClub back then, began to
become more alive, we went to another chatroom
#deGekkenclub, and after it got renamed #BlaatSchaap
Still at the server, till it went unstabile,
and we moved to … still fun … but …
but … but … then … somehow … he changed … I used to
like him, he used to be my best friends … but now …
I started to dislike him … he turned into a cold person,
filled with anger and hate …
no more fun … no more happyness …
It kinda makes me sad to lose a friend like who he used to be…

I ask myself ? What went wrong ? Is it something i said ?
Have I said something to make him hate me ? Is this
because of the time incident, is this because of us ‘leaving’
the skyos-community … is it about my new school …
new real-life friends that he feels like i care about them
more than about him.
Or some of the new members, it is like , Justin, Toni and me,
we now all got a gf now at the chatroom, maybe that is what
it is about …
Or is it about his new school … his new house …

What went wrong … Why ?? What made this happen ?
Losing my best friend …

so.. this is kinda a contiuation of my previous post.
I miss the way things used to be in the past…
But well, I am still happy, don’t worry about that,
but still … I miss the past.
I miss how it used to be at blaatschaap, or before
at skyos … I miss the old nuky, when he still was funny,
we had great times, back then.
I miss the way it used to be at demos ( my student union )
, before the christmas break, when Tom, Chloé, Peter and
Damiën still came there, I kinda miss them.
Or to go even more back in the past, I miss the time
I still lived with my father, back in the time I was
still a kid, we had this ‘club’ the ‘Magriet-Irene’
it was named that way, because we all lived in the
‘Magrietstraat’ or the ‘Irenestraat’ … The good old
times …
Maybe I just miss them now, because I am happy,
and that feeling remembers me of the good times,

But well … enough past now … time for now,
our school project is about to finish, and then we
have tests… so … even some less plesant things
happened yesterday, I am still happy, and I hope
it will stay that way for a long time, so,
that was today’s seccond blogpost,

love ya all.

another blogspot… so … why do people always judge
what they don’t understand ? But I guess, that is
something in human’s nature…
Anyways … for what is going on for the past week,
for what someone said to me, I want to tell you
something about who i was till last summer I guess,
Back in that time, I had no friends, and I was
disappointent in people. I was disappointent, and
I didn’t want to show them the real me, that is why
I was behaving the way I did back then, being
unpredictable, acting crazy, to hide myself, that
is why I was like that back then, but I have changed,
I am learning to trust people again, but events like
what happened yesterday, I have to be carefull not
to loose that trust again, but then again, the people
I am talking about, well, they don’t really know me,
just talked to them on msn maybe a few times, so.
That is what I started with, about judging, they
never talked to me, they don’t know me, but they
are judging already, about something they don’t know
about, and that is just frustrating, but again, judging
is in human’s nature, and I guess I don’t blaim then,
because, before what happened the past three months,
I don’t know if i could beleive it myself, so, people,
please, don’t judge what you don’t understand, and
don’t mess with other people’s bussiness, thanks.

So now back to now, at school, our project, we are
about to finish it, so, thank you for reading, and
i’ll keep you updated,

love ya all


De lente is vandaag begonnen,
yeah … lekker zonnig weer.
Lijkt er een beetje op dat de lente in mijn bol
is geslage, ben de hele week al happy en zo

Maar er is ook wat minder leuk nieuws,
mijn tante heeft een ongeluk gehad,
ze is gevallen en heeft d’r vinger gebroken

Yeah … today spring started :)
I have already been happy all the week :P

But there is also some bad news,
my aunt had an accident, and broke her finger.


Zat me eens te vervelen, heb ik eens wat oude fotoos bij elkaar
geraapt, vanaf de mavo brugklas tot aan nu, in een tijdlijn gezet.
De eerste 4 fotoos zijn dus door de school fotograaf genomen
op mijn mavo.

Here are some old photos of me … the first four are school pictures.

Free Image Hosting at

weet je … ik heb de afgelopen dagen nog wat zitten
denken, over wie ik was en wie ik vandaag ben.
Ik ben nu zowat het tegenovergestelde van wie ik
voor de afgelopen zomer was, niet alleen ben ik
na de zomer aan mijn hbo begonnen, lid geworden
van demos en zo voort, maar toch meer dan alleen
dat, ik heb al eerder gezegd, de ik van een jaar
geleden ziet er als een vreemde voor mij nu uit.
Maar nu, heb ik mijn eigen terug gevonden, ik
ben mezelf weer.
Misschien ben ik hier ook eens over gaan denken
doordat ik een paar dagen geleden in mijn dagboek
had terug gelezen, dat begon in mei 1999, en toen
schreef ik dingen die ik nu misschien ook zou kunnen
schrijven … over hoe ik geld haatte, en dat de wereld
rot was … maar ja … wat wil je als je vanaf je 9e
word beloofd dat we binnenkort rijk zouden zijn…

Zo te zien heer Mijnheer de weg
naar mijn blog gevonden … om zielig te komen
doen … sorry maar wij hebben hier geen trek in,
Ga een ander vervelen, misschien eens in het
echte leven, waar je een mep voor je kop krijgt
als je zo in het echt doet, want durf je wel, lekker
anoniem vanachter je toetsenbord mensen lastig
te vallen, zo laag is dat he … zo laag … dat je
het eigenlijk niet eens waard bent dat ik dit typ.

Dus als je echt een vent bent,
laat dan weten wie je bent, en als je nog meer
te zeggen hebt, recht in het gezicht !!

Alvast bedankt !!!