I bought a video player at the flea market.
Even though I have one, my video player only supports mono playback,
and doesn’t support the LP speed.
In 2002, I recorded the wedding of our crown price Willem Alexender
and Máxima. As the broadcast on TV was longer then 4 hours, it
wouldn’t fit normally on a tape, so I recorded it on the LP speed,
using my uncle’s video recorder.
So, in order to play it, I needed one that does support the LP speed.
So, I bought this recorder at the flea market.
Since I’ve been at my family’s place this weekend, I took the tape
with me, and I decided to try to play it.
And it played back fine, even though the quality was a little low,
so I thought, I need to run a head cleaning tape through the VCR.
After watching a few minutes, rewinded the tape. Suddenly,
after rewinding, the take was ejected, but the tape somehow
got stuck.