BlaatSchaap ‘live’
I’ve been blogging quite a bit about my experiences
while working on it. Let’s see…. what has been done,
what is still on the todo list:
Translation tool:
- in-line translator works so far
- add voting feature
- not ‘in-line’ translator
- option to delete a translation by the original translator
Other features to be implemented
- Views for photo albums
- Views for video albums
- Photo uploading
- Video uploading
- Video converting
- Friends list manager
- Access list manager
- Automated backups
- Profile editor
- Account editor
- ‘Wall’ implementation (possible ‘port’ of the oldbeta implementation)
- New photo script enforcing the new access schema
- Forums
- Notifications
- Messaging support
- Sending email notifications
Possible features to implement:
- OpenID login
- OpenID provider
- OpenSocial Application Support (container)
- Blog (Regular text blog)
- ReBlog (Tumblr style) (with possible anonymous function)
- Facebook connect login
- Email hosting (
- BlaatNET (Communication Server)
- ‘facebook-style’ chatbar
Am I missing something?
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