So, I bought that USB Bluetooth stick at the easter marked.
That thing is a disaster. It just refuses to work, giving error code 43,
when using microsoft driver, and a license error when using the widcomm driver
That thing is a disaster. It just refuses to work, giving error code 43,
when using microsoft driver, and a license error when using the widcomm driver
First problem the VID/PID doesn’t list in the standard inf files
(VID 0A5C, PID 2035 )
but after editing those, it installs, but then the errors mentioned above show up.
Also the BlueSoleil bluetooth drivers don’t work. So I can’t get this
damn thing to work.
Nou dat is vervelend. Wij hebben echt medelijden met jou. Heb je al slachtofferhulp gekregen?
Annywey, kiep up de goet wurk !!