My laptop … yeah … i’m laptopless at the moment.
The stupid thing is in repair AGAIN. It has been
repaired in june, and now it needs repair again,
All my mainboards are ASUS, and never had any
problem with them, but this laptop, also an ASUS,
is nothing but trouble. Last time, the hard disk died,
als I lost all my chatlogs, emails and stuff. Since that
I backup my chatlogs and emails monthly. So they’re
safe. The other thing that broke last time was the
right hinge. This the the left hinge broke. Are they too
stupid to, when they replace the right one, to check the
left one as well. Also my laptop got striped over the screen,
an USB port that seems to ‘float’ between USB 1.1 and 2.0.
Like, sometimes my USB device seems to be connected to
an USB 1.1 controller, and sometimes to 2.0 controlles.
Besides, copying big files to my external hard disk was
impossible, the device reconnects during the transfer,
like it was pulled out and plugged back in again.
And next to that, the sound connected has a bad contact.
So, for the next weeks, I am laptopless. A nightmare at school.
What am I supposed to do during class? ( gehehehe )
But what’s worse, I have to use school computers.
So, when you log in, it AUTOMATICALLY opens an
some kind of script or whatever to send my LOGIN
DATA too all those SITES, using INTERNET EXPLORER.
A security nightmare, maybe I should post my password
right here? Oh well … enouhg rant for now.
andre, you and your poor laptop. *sigh* that thing is always in repair… anyway… i wish i could get into chat from the school server *grumbles* this school sucks arse sometimes. ohwell… i’ll find a way *evil grin*
have a good day XP