Yeah, another post, I am spamming, allright?
I can think about a few more things I wish to
write down. Well…. like I mentioned in my
previous post, I was supposed to do my AJAX
stuff during summer vacation, but I didn’t.
No movitation, no inspiration.
Well… the reason behind the lack of
motivation, well… I was just emotionally
not feeling like doing something like that.
I guess…. I wasn’t feeling that well the
first half of this year. Not complaining though,
I’ve mentioned this before, I don’t want to use
the word depressed, since, compared to
December 2005, it was nothing.
Then, how did I get through the first
half of this year? Well, I guess, most of
the people who read this already know
the answer to that… was Joshua.
Man, I was really in love with him, and then,
from one day to the next, he started acting
like never anything happened between us.
It wasn’t going well between us for a while.
It started when summer vacation started, and
that also explains why no coding happened
during summer, since I was feeling sick because
I missed Josh so much. Yet another time my
heart was broken. Another love disappeared
into nothingness. Is that all that ever happens to me?
I think I will tell more in another blogpost, because
there are still many things, on various related
subjects I want to tell.
But Josh…. the thing that bothers me most is the way
it ended. He just started acting like nothing ever
happened, even though, just days before, he was
saying things like he would always be there for me,
yada yada, then, he disappeared, and then,
when he returned, he was acting, well,
like nothing ever happened. But the worst thing is,
when I asked him about it, he refused to answer.
Yet, to the point where I am now…. do I wish I
never knew him? The answer is… I wouldn’t
want to change anything that happened,
I was having a tough time, and he helped me through.
He even made me happy, if only for a short while,
he did.
And besides that, because of Joshua, I’ve made some
new friends on facebook. People I wouldn’t know
without him, so, in the end, I wouldn’t even want to
change anything to what happened. The people I
know because of him, and an old friends I started
talking to again, because of him.
And when I think about it….it’s all a chain of events,
everything started, that afternoon, at college, that
afternoon, when I decided not to go home get, but
sit in the canteen and surf a bit on the internet….
An action, seeming to insignificant, but it seems,
that decision had a huge impact on my life.